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We are delighted to partner with Bendigo Community Bank Mount Martha as a major sponsor of Mornington Little Athletics this season. Bendigo Community Bank has very generously donated a number of marquees which will provide weather protection. Little Athletics Centre is delighted to partner with Peninsula Grammar as a major sponsor of our club this Season. This sponsorship is vital towards supporting our Mornington Athletics Academy training program and coaches. is delighted to partner with United Petroleum to provide our Members, Families and Friends with discounted fuel using the UP Community Card. is the National Sponsor for Little Athletics Australia and all associated centres. We are grateful to Coles Mornington Tyabb Road who provides our Centre with bananas each season. Little Athletics is thrilled to welcome Mornington Dominos to our Sponsorship Family. Dominos will provide MLAC with some Pizza vouchers to be awarded each week for our Little Athletes in each Age Group.